CT released from testing
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CT™ can be used both stand alone or together with the other applications of our iQx™ platform. If used within the platform, a CT™ project will automatically be generated from the time and cost simulations in P1™. This allows the user to compare the approved AFE data to real time operational performance.
CT™ lets the user invite team members, both internal and external. In this way, all key personnel can easily follow the latest progress of the project enabling a more streamlined operation.
The instant benefits of implementing CT™ cover:
- data input to the cloud application from both offshore and onshore team members of the project resulting in increased accuracy and overview
- ability to push out updates through e-mail with autogenerated attachments such as Lookahead, Time Tracker, Cost Tracker and various charts
- smooth forecasting of time along the project development ensuring no surprises at the end
- auto-generated visual graphs, e.g Time vs Depth with accumulated cost, Phase times vs AFE times, Time vs Cost, Cost vs Depth.
With recorded operational data stored safely in iQx™, the information can automatically be transferred to D2™ for End of Well reporting. The data can also be reused in the next P1™ simulation, increasing the accuracy of future planned wells.