Historic drilling data import for well cost distribution curve

Our latest release updates upgrade the distribution wizard (automatic data-to-distribution fitting function) when importing historic drilling data.

Historic drilling data import for well cost distribution curve

Data points are visualized on the graphs. Choose the distribution type that is most suitable for the data.

Other recent releases include:


  • Simulation management

Added a dedicated page for all shared simulations;

Added a form for local overriding of simulation parameters;

  • Event parameterization

Choice fields for variable / predefined variable changed (now similar to P1);

  • Settings

Introduced Dynamic percentiles. In Settings added an option to specify additional percentiles to be visualized in the simulation results (graphs and tables)

Enabled downloading and uploading of a Plans Workspace/Settings Set as .plans file (text file format);

  • Output

Added an option for the formatted Excel export of the AFE table.

Historic drilling data import for well cost distribution curve

As the first step, it is possible to export, with formatting to Excel, all cost breakdown according to the cost folder structure, plus additional columns based on cost tags.


Formatted export of the breakdown for the time folder (for ex.: per phase) will be added in the coming releases.


We're excited for you to try these new features and can't wait to hear what you think! If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at support@iqx.no. 

Historic drilling data import for well cost distribution curve