Cloud-based workspace delivers efficient rig scheduling

A common workspace is essential for efficient rig scheduling and information flow aiding to achieve low cost and low carbon goals. Often, however, schedules are worked in desktop spreadsheets and communication goes through emails. Although working locally is a well established process, it poses challenges related to swift decision making process and qualitative data sharing all contributing to efficient operations.


Imagine a spreadsheet which gives:

  • access to always updated rig schedules
  • has the functionality to modify the schedule as the project progresses without compromising data quality of all related details
  • swiftly operates between the draft and the master; and
  • instantly enables sharing the Master with the entire organization, including alliance partners.


Cost efficiency and low carbon operations are critically important to extracting energy sustainably. Matching wells with available rigs, finding their best possible sequence yet reaching low carbon ambitions all require careful planning. 

Drilling planning and rig scheduling software

iQx RIG enables to create a process for managing the entire company rig portfolio in one place. Wells are matched to rigs based on strict rule-based requirements. The well information and the maturity process from concept to completion are clearly visualized. RIG integrates intuitive functionality that enables smart choices by automatically minimizing rig move, highlighting white space, and enabling batching campaigns.


Additionally, as being open, the software ensures schedule information is stored in structured data format and can be utilized in other digital solutions to improve insights and decision making.


Along with improving rig scheduling efficiency, iQx RIG enables also a more collaborative and data-driven approach to decision-making. The tool provides one base plan which can be optimized and the team can run different scenarios for potential outcome. The plan can for example be used to inform major investment decisions.


Ultimately, efficient rig scheduling saves energy companies time and supports them in transitioning towards a lower carbon future.


Please contact our sales team if you would like to receive a demo of our solution.